It's been a couple of years since I've done one of those, mostly because I've started rehearsing a show (or shows) in the weeks leading up to the Fringe - i.e. where I'd be most likely be thinking about what I'd be keen to see.
While I am in a show for 2020 - Titanic, with Therry; keep an eye out for that in June - we don't start rehearsals until the Fringe is nearly over. Which is great for me, cause not only do I not have to try and fit my Fringe-going around a couple of rehearsals a week, I also have time to plug the shows I think people should see.
Why plug shows? That's very easy: because if I think they're good, I want them to succeed; that way the chances of the person who's putting them on comes back at some point with something new and brilliant are likely to increase. It's a hugely competitive market out there, and if people don't make enough money, you can't really expect them to keep coming back.
So, without further ado, here are the things I'm recommending for 2020. If I see something that I think deserves a mention, I'll add it - so, check back each week for new additions.