Monday, March 7, 2011

Adelaide Fringe 2011 - final week plugs

It's the last week of the Fringe, and there are a lot of shows still on. Here is a list of those I think you really should go see, by category. All the shows have links to the FringeTix page where you can buy tickets.

Now that I've done most of the work for you, go see some shows!



Amazing show, given 5 stars (or the equivalent) in every review, including mine. Simply one of the best things I've ever seen, and should not be missed. If you live in Adelaide and I find you haven't gone to see this, expect me to become...unpleasant1.

At: Holden Street Theatres
Ticket info: here
My review here

1Okay, even more unpleasant than usual.

Phoenix Rising...DH Lawrence – Son & Lover

A show worth seeing simply for the wonderful performance by Paul Slack. His ability to play a wide range of characters is breathtaking, particularly the accents.
At: Higher Ground
Ticket info: here
My review here.

Mussolini: A one-man political farce

Another great one-man show from Ross Gurney-Randall, who brought us Goering's Defence. A clever, captivating and funny portrayal of another of history's interesting characters.

At: Higher Ground
Ticket info: here


Richard Fry, who brought us Bully last year, is back with an even more powerful show. Exceptionally well-structured, cleverly delivered in rhyming couplets, it's one of the most touching performances you'll ever see; the front-of-house people tell me that nearly every show has had at least one audience member in tears.

At: Higher Ground
Ticket info: here

I, Elizabeth

An astonishing performance by Rebecca Vaughan makes this show another must-see. Get into the mind of Queen Elizabeth I via her own writings.
At: Higher Ground
Ticket info: here
My review here.


A combination of history lesson and some of the best performances of Shakespeare passages you're ever likely to see, courtesy of the great Guy Masterson. One show only on Thursday March 10.

At: Royalty Theatre
Ticket info: here

Dead Men Don't

For something completetly different; it's a live-action radio play in the noir-detective style. Full of hilarious references to the genre, this a quirky, clever and funny show. If you see it, keep a careful eye on the sound effects crew at the back.

At: North Adelaide Community Centre
Ticket info here
My review here


The Spaces Between

The Jane Austen Argument won the Best Cabaret award in the Fringe last year, and quite rightly; the talented duo produce some of the most touching and haunting songs I've ever heard. While you're there, grab a copy of their EP The Birthing Pyre.

At: Arcade Lane – Regent One
Ticket info: here


Deanne Smith: About Freakin' Time

A great Canadian standup comic, Deanne Smith's 53-minute show is one of the best routines I've seen in years. I laughed my ass off. My review here.

At: Rhino Room - Downstairs
Ticket info: here
My review here

Sound & Fury's Spaceship Man

Frequent visitors to Adelaide, Sound & Fury have a history of putting on great semi-improv comedy shows, and their latest is Spaceship Man. Plenty of laughs to be had, and no shortage of references to classic and contemporary sci-fi.

At: AC Arts – Main Theatre
Ticket info here

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