Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Scottish Production

Well, it – the University of Adelaide Theatre Guild production of Macbeth that I first wrote about in my post The Scottish Audition – finished up on Saturday after eleven performances. And it's going to go down as one of the best productions I've ever been involved with.

The combination of such a rare opportunity to do Macbeth1, combined with getting to work with such a great cast, a talented crew, a thoughtful and inspiring director and in a space as enjoyable to work in as the Little Theatre just doesn't come along that often.

I had a lot of fun, learned a great deal, met some interesting and talented people – including many whose work I'd admired over the past few years – and got a lot of great feedback from people about my performance in the somewhat challenging role of the Thane of Ross, which we did (as I was informed late in the season2) quite differently from how he's mostly portrayed, which was to have him be more sympathetic.

We got some pretty good reviews, too:

Adelaide Theatre Guide


In Daily

Theatre People AU

What I'm afraid of now, though, is that having performed under such great conditions, the next show I do is almost certainly going to fall short by comparison. Not that that's going to be an issue for some time; I've moved straight into stage managing the Theatre Guild's next production, The Pillowman, and will be unlikely to be doing a show in the first quarter of next year since it's more likely I'll want to be free to review shows during the Fringe/Festival.

I think it's a small price to pay for something I'm so happy to have been part of.

1It doesn't get done very often. This is probably a good thing, since to see it done poorly would be painful.
2I've never seen a full production of Macbeth, only an expurgated one, and I don't remember there being a Ross in that one. I vaguely remember watching one of the film versions at high school, but that was a long time ago.

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