Thursday, December 25, 2008

Jamie joins the blogosphere!

Well, this is what happens when I've got nothing better to do on Christmas night than create a blog.

It's something that I've been meaning to do for some time now - for some months, if not years. I generally have a lot to say in regular conversation; I only hope I can manage to carry my proclivity for rambling into the e-world.

'What you going to write about, Jamie?' you might ask. Good question. Short answer: whatever's on my mind. Long answer: some combination of the things that interest me. Lots of popular culture commentary, musings about current events, digressions into past events, film reviews, thoughts on politics, maybe some of my short fiction writing, day-to-day minutiae and things I feel the need to get off my chest.

I probably should have thought of something interesting with which to start my blogging experience, but I didn't. So, this is all for now. If you're reading this and thinking that it's a very uninspiring beginning to a blog, well, you're probably right. But let me assure you it'll get better with time. I'll have a bit of a think and come up with something just a little more interesting over the next few days.

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